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Building Value: How Efficiency & Productivity Shape Pay in Architecture
In the dynamic and competitive world of architecture, being an employee at a large firm for close to 20 years has given me unique insight into the intersection of passion and practicality. Architecture...
The Qualities of Being a Great Project Architect
I remember a time while walking a job site, surrounded by the construction superintendent and subcontractors, when I felt a sense of confidence I hadn’t fully recognized before. Questions and issues came...
Building Success: How Mentorship Shapes Exceptional Project Architects
For those embarking on their architectural career, it can sometimes feel like you’re threading your way through an elaborate maze with no clear sense of direction.Just as every structure relies on...
The Importance of Judgment as a Project Architect
Navigating the leadership world can feel like a journey into the unknown. As project architects, we’ve walked that path and uncovered an astonishing revelation – 90% of our leadership success...
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